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Tooth Extractions London

Tooth Extractions London

Tooth extraction is sometimes necessary to maintain oral health when a tooth is too damaged to be repaired. The most common reason for extraction is severe tooth decay, but other reasons include impacted wisdom teeth and preparing for orthodontic treatments. At Mek Dental, we aim to preserve your natural teeth whenever possible, but extraction might be the best option when the damage is extensive.

When Tooth Extraction is Necessary: Common Reasons

Most of the time, we attempt to keep the tooth by performing additional operations rather than extracting it. The best course of action, though, may be to pull the tooth if the damage is too great. Common reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Crowded teeth, particularly when extraction is necessary to create space for proper alignment of other teeth;
  • Infection risk caused by gum disease;
  • Severe tooth decay that severely damages the pulp and nerves;
  • Cracked roots that cannot be repaired.

What to Expect During Tooth Extraction

During a tooth extraction, we use local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth or general anesthesia to put you to sleep during the procedure. In cases of impacted teeth, we may need to break the tooth into smaller pieces to minimize damage to surrounding tissue before extraction. After removing the tooth, we will pack the empty socket with a gauze pad to stop any bleeding and use stitches to seal the socket. The stitches are usually dissolving, so you won’t need to worry about having them removed.

Pre-Procedure Considerations

It's crucial to inform your dentist about any underlying medical conditions or current medications before the procedure. This includes disorders affecting your immune system, liver, heart, or other relevant organs to ensure the surgery is safe and successful.

Commonly Asked Questions About Tooth Extractions

Can I Go Back to Work After Having an Extraction?

It is recommended to take the day off following your extraction to rest and heal. Swelling or difficulty speaking might make it challenging to work. Avoid heavy lifting, bending over, and exercising for 1-3 days post-surgery.

Managing Pain After Tooth Extraction

Over-the-counter painkillers are usually sufficient to manage post-extraction pain. Your dentist might prescribe medication if you have specific allergies or medical needs. It is advised to take pain medication as soon as possible after the extraction, while you are still numb, to support you as the anesthesia wears off. Avoid aspirin, as it can thin the blood and prevent clotting.

How Long Will the Discomfort Persist?

The level of discomfort varies, but pain should begin to subside after a few days. If your pain and discomfort increase after one week, you might have a dry socket and should contact your dentist immediately.

What Can I Eat or Drink After Tooth Extraction?

Stick to a liquid and soft food diet immediately after the procedure for comfort. Most patients continue this diet for a few days until the pain subsides. Avoid using straws, as the sucking motion can strain your stitches and cause new bleeding.

Why You Might Need a Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are sometimes necessary to prevent further health issues. If tooth decay reaches the pulp, bacteria can cause an infection that might need extraction if not resolved with a root canal. Extractions are also performed to prepare for orthodontic treatments by creating space for proper alignment.

The Extraction Procedure

Before the procedure, our dentist will numb the area with local anesthesia. You will feel pressure, but no pain. For impacted teeth, we will cut away gum and bone tissue to access the tooth, sometimes removing it in pieces. After extraction, we will pack the empty socket with a gauze pad to stop bleeding and may use dissolving stitches to aid healing.

If you are experiencing pain or suspect an infection, it is crucial to see a dentist as soon as possible. An infection will not go away on its own and can cause more damage over time.

MEK Dental is experienced in performing tooth extractions and we try to make the procedure as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

If you are looking for a dentist in London for Tooth Extractions please call us at (519) 668-7635 or book an appointment online.