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Dental Sedation London

Dental Sedation London

If you're feeling uneasy about your dental visit and seeking a safe alternative, MEK Dental in London can provide your dental care under Oral Moderate Sedation and Nitrous Oxide.

Your dental issues can be addressed, sore gums restored, and your smile brightened without discomfort while you are almost asleep and relaxed during your appointment with Dr. Ghada Yaseen. Experience years of dental treatment in just one appointment, eliminating the need to hide your smile or endure pain.

Conditions That Can Benefit from Dental Anesthesia:

  • Fear and Anxiety
  • Low pain threshold or very sensitive teeth
  • Gag reflexes
  • Limited time for extensive dental care
  • Difficulty with cooperation during procedures, particularly applicable to children and special needs patients

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

At MEK Dental, Nitrous Oxide is offered as a form of Conscious Sedation, providing anxiety relief and enhancing procedural comfort.

Advantages of Nitrous Oxide:

  • Adjustable depth of sedation
  • No "hangover" effects
  • Safe with minimal impact on heart and lung function
  • Effectively minimizes gagging
  • Rapid onset and relaxation properties
  • Reversal provided by oxygen administration
  • No post-appointment company required

Nitrous Oxide has been a trusted means of sedation in dentistry for years, offering safety and effectiveness. Patients can breathe independently and maintain control over bodily functions. After administration, patients can walk or drive home unaccompanied.

Reasons to Avoid Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide may not be suitable for individuals diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, or other respiratory conditions. Claustrophobia is also a contraindication.

For a safe and comfortable experience during treatment, understanding the sedation method is crucial. If you have concerns or doubts about Nitrous Oxide, Dr. Ghada Yaseen can provide more details about available sedation options.

Don't hesitate to ask questions and make informed decisions about your dental care at MEK Dental in London.

If you are looking for a dentist in London for Dental Sedation please call us at (519) 668-7635 or book an appointment online.