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Root Canal Treatment London

Root Canal Treatment London

Endodontic treatment is an indispensable procedure for treating teeth that are severely decayed, infected, or broken. This allows the affected tooth to be saved from extraction and maintained for many more years.

A root canal is part of a naturally occurring space within a tooth that consists of the pulp chamber, the main canal, and intricate anatomical branches that may connect the root canals to each other or to the surface of the root. The smaller branches are most frequently found near the root end (apex) but may be encountered anywhere along the root length.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

In a root canal procedure, the dentist accesses the pulp chamber in the crown of the tooth and reveals the root canals contained in the roots of the tooth. The infected nerve is removed, and the canals are shaped using special files to smooth the walls and ensure no pulp tissue or infection is left. The canals are then filled with a special material that seals off the root canals.

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Root canal procedures are not as painful as they sound! With the help of numbing medicine, you shouldn't experience severe pain. While post-procedure discomfort may occur, it can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

When Do You Need Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal procedures preserve the tooth so that it can be retained for several more years rather than needing to be extracted. Endodontic treatment is recommended for situations such as:

  • Dental abscess
  • Dying tooth
  • Severe fracture in tooth
  • Deep cavities
  • Severe tooth sensitivity or pain

Root canal treatment can be done in one or two appointments. After treatment, your tooth may be tender for the first few days. Severe pain or swelling are not common. If this happens, call your dentist or endodontist.

After Root Canal Treatment

You can still get a cavity or gum disease after a root canal treatment. Root canal treatment does not protect your tooth from other types of damage. However, with proper care and regular dental visits, the tooth could last as long as your other teeth. Most of the time, a tooth that has had a root canal treatment can be saved.

Due to the complexity and difficulty of root canal therapy, it can pose a challenge for the dentist. Sometimes, it’s necessary to refer the patient to endodontists specializing in root canal therapy.

Mek Dental: Experienced in Root Canal Procedures

Mek Dental in London is experienced in root canal procedures. We encourage you to book a consultation with our experienced dentists to discuss your options.

Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

A root canal is a procedure specifically designed to save you from losing a tooth. Our teeth are comprised of several parts, one of them being the pulp, where the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue are housed. When this area becomes inflamed or infected, a root canal procedure is necessary to save that tooth.

Signs You Might Need a Root Canal

When your pulp becomes inflamed or infected, you will begin to feel symptoms that prompt you to take action:

  • Toothache: Sharp pain, especially at night, that may lead to a generalized headache.
  • Abscess: A bump near the top part of a tooth and/or pus present in the mouth.
  • Sensitivity: Extreme pain to hot and cold foods.
  • Discoloration: Dark discoloration on the tooth.

If you notice recurring pain, contact our dentist immediately. It is always better to save a tooth than to have it extracted and replaced.

The Procedure

Root canals are often a two-appointment procedure, with the first appointment taking up to an hour. The second appointment is for placing a dental crown to restore the tooth's appearance, as most of the tooth structure will be lost during the process.

MEK Dental in London is experienced in root canal procedures. We encourage you to book a consultation with our experienced dentists and discuss your options.

If you are looking for a dentist in London for Root Canal Treatment please call us at (519) 668-7635 or book an appointment online.